Coronavirus (COVID-19) Safety Protocols
Sterilization/Infection Control
Our continued commitment to serve our community
We want to reassure you that as we cope with the current COVID-19 pandemic, we continue to make every effort to ensure the safety of our patients and staff. Our dental office always has been – and will continue to be – one of the safest places to be. Our team members have always strictly adhered to, and exceeded the standards for, infection control. Please feel free to read more below about our increased safety protocols that are aligned with the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), California Department of Public Health, and American Dental Association (ADA) recommendations.
And rest assured, you are safe with us.
We will continue to follow the CDC’s recommended guidelines, including but not limited to:
Wearing personal protective gear and removing replacing it in between patients
Using hospital-grade disinfectants
Practicing the latest sterilization protocols
Utilizing single-use disposable materials
Increased frequency of hand washing
Limiting the number of people in the practice and practicing social distancing
Checking team members temperatures throughout the day
We will continue to disinfect all areas that each patient comes into contact with after each patient visit, including but not limited to all counter tops, equipment and dental chairs
Given the current situation, we have established additional safety protocols to minimize the risk of infection for both you and our team:
As a precaution you will have your temperature screened prior to entering the office. Anyone with a temperature of 100.4 or higher (as recommended by the CDC) will have their appointment rescheduled for another day.
We ask that if you have any symptoms associated with either the Coronavirus or the flu, to please reschedule your appointment. If you have been in contact with anyone who has had symptoms consistent with the Coronavirus or the flu, we ask that you please reschedule your appointment.
You are requested to wait in your car until called into the office for your appointment. When it is time to begin treatment, we will contact you via phone or text and you will be brought directly back into the operatory area of the office. This allows us to limit the number of people in the waiting room following all “social distancing” protocols.
We ask that you wear a mask or face covering while in the office – with the exception of when you are in the dental chair and are asked to remove them. We request that you please bring a mask or face covering with you.
When you arrive – and before you leave – you will be directed to a sanitary hand-washing station to wash your hands.
For parents or guardians of minors: only one (1) adult may enter the office with one or more minor patients. This allows us to adhere to the “social distancing” guidelines.
High Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) filtration air systems have been installed in every operatory.
Clear plexiglass vapor barriers have been installed at the reception area to reinforce public health practices.
We will no longer have headphones for music in our operatories but you are welcome to bring your own with you.
We thank you for your understanding and patience. The safety of you and our team is our primary concern.